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Violett Remastered Portable Edition


Updated: Mar 25, 2020

About This Game The new ultimate version of Violett brings even more of the best point and click adventure fun, right onto your screen. In this expanded version you'll see a pair of completely new levels, full of entirely new puzzles and specially composed music. Upgraded graphical effects in the game making the hand-painted, Escheresque surroundings look even more stunning. Redesigned and improved game mechanics as well as controls will let you solve the riddles presented to you with much more ease. If you ever get stuck by a particularly tricky puzzle, a redesigned system of tips will help you move forward. And newly added gamepad support will make your game much more pleasurable to play on your big screen TV or your PC's monitor. Set in a world full of wonders, quirks and things from beyond our reality, Violett is a remarkable adventure game that will push your brain to the limits and engross you completely. Dragged by her parents, a young and rebellious teenage girl – Violett, moves to an old spooky house in the middle of nowhere. Forced away from her friends and life in the city; she imagines how boring life in countryside will be: spending day after day, bored in her room with absolutely nothing to do. But what she cannot imagine, is that in just few moments, she'll have the adventure of her life. A spark of light from the nearby mouse hole catches her attention, she reaches inside and in a blink of an eye she's in a completely different place. So familiar, yet so distant. So magnificent, and yet dangerous. A place where frogs singing operas are daily occurrence, garden gnomes are emissaries from another dimension and power of telekinesis is not freaking anyone out. Now only your wit and luck can help her unite with her parents. Rack your brain on intricate puzzles. Use the power of telekinesis to get you out of your troubles. Fight the evil spider queen that wants to make you her new trophy. Use your touch to roam the beautiful and slightly psychedelic world, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Dali and other great works. Immerse yourself in the soothing sound track, that is also available as a DRM free download - Fantastic 2,5D point-and-click adventure game - Unique world inside the 'rabbit-hole' - Multitude of puzzles and riddles - A spooky atmosphere of mystery and uneasiness - Evil Spider Queen who's trying to prevent you from ever coming back - Paranormal forces to manipulate objects - Beautiful hand-painted graphics full of quirkiness and style - Full parallel reality inspired by Alice in the Wonderland and other great works - Gamepad support 7aa9394dea Title: Violett RemasteredGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Forever Entertainment S. A.Publisher:Forever Entertainment S. A.Release Date: 13 Dec, 2013 Violett Remastered Portable Edition violett remastered free. violett remastered review. violett remastered steam. violett remastered indiegala. violett remastered pc gameplay. violett remastered прохождение. violett remastered pc. violett remastered giveaway. violett remastered edition. violett remastered walkthrough. violett remastered. violett remastered gameplay The game lacks in all they are trying to sell you in the trailer, poor graphics and very hard to play. I do not recommend this game, there are other games out there which are much better and fun to play.. Kind of Machinarium: no dialogue and lots of brain teasing puzzles in different areas. Also a lot of collectibles, too much even for me. At the beginning story was clear: you move to new house with your family and suddenly shrink into insect world (oh wait why? confusing already) Anyway then you supposedly want to grow back and get home; I hoped there would be story in between but no, just solving puzzles because they are there blocking you.Nice and surreal adventure but the main feeling was "not enjoying - just pushing through".the praise:-really liked the hand drawn cutscene graphics-nice music and beautiful background art-there was good bug too: i got both "use only 10 hints\/don't use hints" achievements at onceThe nag:-story has zero explanation, why am i here why am i doing this?-too bad they didn't make the whole game hand drawn, 3d characters look dull and emotionless-music gets repetitive quick-some gameplay stopping bugs (workaround is to exit and reload)-frustrating inconsistensty when Violett can use her telekinesis. Kind of Machinarium: no dialogue and lots of brain teasing puzzles in different areas. Also a lot of collectibles, too much even for me. At the beginning story was clear: you move to new house with your family and suddenly shrink into insect world (oh wait why? confusing already) Anyway then you supposedly want to grow back and get home; I hoped there would be story in between but no, just solving puzzles because they are there blocking you.Nice and surreal adventure but the main feeling was "not enjoying - just pushing through".the praise:-really liked the hand drawn cutscene graphics-nice music and beautiful background art-there was good bug too: i got both "use only 10 hints\/don't use hints" achievements at onceThe nag:-story has zero explanation, why am i here why am i doing this?-too bad they didn't make the whole game hand drawn, 3d characters look dull and emotionless-music gets repetitive quick-some gameplay stopping bugs (workaround is to exit and reload)-frustrating inconsistensty when Violett can use her telekinesis. interesting puzzle with beautiful drawings,except that I cannot proceed due to the bugs.. The game lacks in all they are trying to sell you in the trailer, poor graphics and very hard to play. I do not recommend this game, there are other games out there which are much better and fun to play. An update of giant Hamstery proportions!: Tyrant ladies and Tyrant germs! We present to you today a fatty update for the holidays. It comes peppered with much game balance and bug fixing, but does not shy away from new art and hamsters. Wait... hamsters? You heard that right!Now feast upon some build notes:NEW FEATURESSpace Hamsters - Giant space hamsters have been reportedly spotted around rare planets in the galaxy! Pack your fleet with powerful ships and hope to survive its artillery barrages!BALANCE CHANGESMonopolizeAdded special schemes at start of monopolize missions that will allow reduction of Unrest as progress is made in the mission.AIAll AI fleets obey capital ship limits now.AI factors in ship class when making tech purchases.Improved Tactic use.DISASTERSDisasters events will now trigger at the beginning of a turn, not as a standard exploration event.Time to avert disasters increased from 3 to 4.Minimum turn before a disaster can happen increased slightly.FIXES AND POLISHUpdated loading screen to add emphasis to goals of the mission.Updated Victory and Defeat screens with much more tyranty goodness.A large amount of new card images to spice up your hand.More exploration event art added.Tyrant Scheme art updated.Siege Display animation elements updated.You can no longer free commanders from worlds that aren't prisons.Scaling problem with Exploration dialog and 16:10 has been destroyed.Clear Sky tactic no longer stays active for the entire battle once used.Card deals are now serialized so you won't get random cards from saving/loading a turn.Current Campaign perks won't be loaded in a Skirmish game.Overlord Schemes will now always be available in a Skirmish game.. Closed Beta, an end in sight.: I’m pleased to report we’re nearing the end of our closed beta status! Between the beta feedback and our internal discussions, we’ve finally reached a point where we can start to prepare for our Early Access release. As we commit ourselves to this ‘deathmarch’, we might still offer up a build to the beta crew to make sure nothing is exploding along the way. That could happen anytime in the next month, but probably not after that – I’ll post more info as we figure it out. What we are sure of is our plan to release Space Tyrant into Early Access during the last half of May. We’ll continue to develop the game beyond that date, but we do feel like it’s ready for a wider audience. And while the game is still technically in closed beta, we’re leaning in on the ‘closed’ status and not letting anymore people in. You can all still play and hunt for bugs if you feel like it; we’ll also continue to respond as the weeks tick by, but these are indeed the final days of closed beta. I’ll take this opportunity to say - thanks a million to everyone who has stuck with us through this process! As someone who spent some years in the QA trenches, I know how frustrating it can be working with buggy, broken games. So, we really do appreciate your efforts. I’ll start the process this week of sending out all remaining pins and stickers to those of you who’ve come on board in recent times. And when the game goes into an official Early Access state, I’ll send everyone on the list a key so it can be in your Steam library… until Tyrants take over the planet and disintegrate your computers. Lastly, If you’ve written up bugs or have given us any feedback, keep an eye out for a friend request from “SpaceTyrantSwag”. Through that account I’ll ask for your physical address so I can send you stuffs. I’ll also message you a key for the game through that account when the time comes. Cheers everyone and thanks again for the help! Many happy subjugations of celestial lifeforms to you and yours.Love - The Space Tyrant team. Space Tyrant 25% off for the Steam Winter Sale!: Give the gift of Tyranny! Or even just take it all for yourself, like Tyrants do.. The early January Hotfix has arrived!: version #: 0.5.6215.18617Hey everyone! Thanks for cranking away so diligently on the holiday build and uncovering so many annoying-ass bugs! We haven’t fixed everything since we’ve been back (it’s only been a week!), but we have gone after the stuff with solid repro steps and anything obvious that was hurting gameplay. We’ve wrapped these fixes up into a patch that we just released so we can move on to a content update later in the month. Our plan for January is - we want to start plugging in new game modes and some other crazy stuff before the end of the month, but it’s important that we have a solid foundation to build on so the game isn’t torturing you with buggy behavior when you should be enjoying all the newness. We wanted to put that out there so you know that we aren’t slacking. Tyrants don’t slack. A couple items worth noting - we haven’t had a chance to flesh out the Techno Slug tech upgrades or other slug related stuff, so you’ll still see white squares and other weirdness when you get that far along. We’ll get to it soon. They’re slugs, so, you know, they move slower than your average empire. Also, if you’re in the middle of a game, that’ll get wiped out when you start afresh. Sorry about that – space and video games are cruel in ways that other modes of existence are not… except for maybe knitting. That can be horribly unforgiving. Come to think of it – If you’re brave and cool at the same time, wiping out your save file and starting right at the beginning would be a pretty helpful testing move. You can copy your current save files to somewhere else on your computer if you want to load em back up later, but here’s how you get to that folder and clean it out (this is for a PC - not sure about other platforms):•Before you launch the game, navigate to this folder on your computer:“C:\Users\<YOUR-COMPUTER-NAME-HERE>\AppData\LocalLow\Blue Wizard\Space Tyrant”•Delete all 5 files in that folder (3 .json files and 2 .old files) – or move them elsewhere if you want to load them up later.•Now – if you launch the game, you’ll get the intro and start over on the Tutorial missions. SO EASY!And if you’re wondering what got fixed or added, here’s the change list:NEW:-Added resolution select when in fullscreen mode.-More Exploration Event art and Exploration reward art.FIXES:-All sounds now play through the proper channels are respect the audio sliders.-Empire/Leader mismatch on the Loadout screen.-Empire basic deck able to be used with wrong Empire.-When unlocking a new empire, proper deck selected with new commander.-Could spend more perk points than you had in a rare circumstance.-Thought Seize artifact works as intended, lowering enemy energy charge during combat.-Planet income upgrades are properly serialized now.-Node values are properly updated after loading now.-Hoplite Empire perk board has correct art and paths now.-Tech victory condition now saves its progress correctly.-Derelict Forge worlds no longer give their ship discount.-Derelict descriptor is no longer lost on Forge worlds when returning to a saved game.-EzCargot's decoy frigates no longer fire their weapons.Alright folks – thanks again for playing! We’ll be here in the discussion forums intermittently over the weekend; answering questions and crying about any miserable bugs you find. If for any reason we don’t respond right away, it’s because we got caught up in the glories of the weekend and forgot what a computer is. You can be certain that won’t last for long and we’ll be back in Tyrantsville in a few short hours.Have a great weekend!~The Space Tyrant team.***Oh, and here's a ridiculous meme i made to celebrate this wonderful hotfix.. HOTFIX v0.5.6498.25376: A small hotfix to destroy some egregious bugs that have popped up since the Rise of the Techno Slugs!Bug Fixes Fixed a problem that was suppressing a large number of exploration events from appearing in the game. Slug Perk, Ship Specialists, no longer gives max tech to all ships, but properly gives +1 Tech to your ships as intended. Draw A Crowd card always gives Cruisers now. Crystal Shavings card now gives proper credits per crystal planet you control.. Coming September 28th!: Dig out some glowsticks and slide into those Tyrant pants!This update will be sliming out with many a bug fix and all kinds of balancing goodness. Preparify thy selfeth!. February 27th! Space Tyrant conquers Early Access with a 1.0 release!: At long last! Space Tyrant emerges from the Access of Earliness to release a 1.0 version of the game. It will be full of bug-fixes, balance, polish, new stuffs and all things 1.0.And here's a new trailer we've got just for the occasion. Share it with all the people in all places! There's a little Tyrant in everyone, after all: Space Tyrant sound track now available!: Ladies and space germs! At long last, Skaven has chosen to bestow upon us his most tyrannical sound track! These ravaging melodies will take you back to that time you thrashed 3 space hamsters in a row - or when you took the Senate homeworld with only one frigate left. Such glory was yours and this most undeniable of soundtracks has arrived to help you wallow in it as often as you like. Go get it on bandcamp and clench that fiery fist!: One last update before Early Access: People! Tyrants! Tyrant People!We’ve decided to push one more build out to you before we hit Early Access. It’s packed with bug fixes, updated art, refinements to numerous systems under the hood and other cool stuff. The tutorial, sounds and Combat effects are still lacking any updates, but we think you’ll find that the rest of the game plays a lot more smoothly now. If you’re in the middle of a mission, so much has changed that we’re having the game knock you out of that mission. It won’t kill any progress you’ve made toward a particular cycle and you won’t lose your unlocks, but continuing a mission with so much newness wasn’t possible.Here’s a list of all the particulars:Major Features:Revamped Starmap (so good…)Cards as UnlocksPersistent Event TraitsNew Perk ArtTyrant TitlesRebellions on controlled planetsAdditional Features:Improved snapping in the ShipyardMany more stats trackedA new Main MenuSenate & CnH AI more aggressiveMission Detail tooltipsPlanet Rings show ownershipShipyard button is back (tho less enticing)Wormholes frequency reduced and opt-outs added"Mana" renamed to "Crystal"Fixes:Empty Fleet bug fixedMany, many, hangs and locks fixedFinal Mission unlock bug fixedUnsupported resolutions now default to 16:9Planet UI no longer interferes with fleet clicksSlug shield regen reducedMany defensive commander powers fixedCombat grid vs space weather layering issues resolvedCompound artifact effects on reload removedSpace slug regen nerfedPlayer based combat-initiation bugs fixed Commander energy shows correct at battle-startAlrighty, unless some horrible crash bug somehow got past us in this build, we’re pretty sure this will be the last of our updates until we hit Early Access in about a month. We’ll still be checking in on the forums on a daily basis, but our heads are mostly buried in development land, so we probably won’t be as active as usual when a new build goes up. Cheers! Thanks again for playing!~The Space Tyrant team.. PSSST! Space Tyrant is 25% off until Nov 1st!: ...WHICH IS INSANE! Geez, the holidays... so good. Over the past few months we've polished and updated this game into a finely honed machine of warm and inviting tyranny. A non-stop party for jerks in space! Though we're not quite out of Early Access (that's happening early next year), you can still milk a hundred-plus hours of game-play out of this little fella.If you're on the fence or waiting for the full release - this is a great opportunity to just give in, quit with that fence riding and let those warm tyranty vibes wash over you. You'll get to use a 'death ray', you'll get to throw insolent weaklings in the pain booth, you can even steal engines off the ship of a downed pilot and drop them on him from orbit - just for kicks!Oh, also, we've got a very special array of Halloween specific content playable for a short time. If you get in now, you'll get to hang with the Jack-o-Planet, saw ships in half with a bloody chainsaw, click buttons with spider webs attached to them and feel very halloweeny about the whole thing. It's a freakin beautiful time to get plugged into some SPACE TYRANT!Here's a sweet video showcasing our halloween content, ripened on the vine:


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